Monday, May 11, 2015

Weekend Wanderings

I used to be an "I hate Mondays" person until I realized that that isn't fair and that all days stand an equal chance of being awful. This Monday I'm in a pretty good mood. Partially because I'm off work and mostly because I actually had a super good weekend.

Saturday was insanely busy. Because I am all about procrastination, one thing on my to-do list was to see if I could find a gift for Mom for Mother's Day. She is notoriously hard to shop for (a trait which I may have inherited), but I figured I would give the flea market and a couple of local antique shops a shot at providing me with something unique that she would like. They didn't, but trips to the antique store/flea market are never a total bust because they are a maze of old treasures and I always feel like Ariel in her cave of human trinkets when I'm in them. Plus, I found a gorgeous old tea set that ended up going to my Mother in law. Some of the less glamorous findings:

The life of a wrestling action figure isn't so different from the life of a wrestler. Once an audience decides you are less relevant you are worth a lot less and discarded. Sad.

"Here to haunt your dreams!"
After that it was off to Pontotoc (my old home town) to attend my aunt's wedding. She was lovely and the service was short and to be honest, I can't ask for much more from a wedding. It was good to spend time with my cousins and to see her so happy. However, it must be acknowledged that I am a complete scrub and got no pictures of the ceremony. I wish I could claim that it was because I didn't have my camera, but that excuse doesn't hold water because I DID get a picture of this cicada.

(Hint, I am going to talk about these again on the blog at a later date.)

I guess I was just enjoying the company and the beautiful view and the shade. And watching my Mom's stupid turkey. Just trust me that Aunt Lisa was gorgeous and everyone seemed very happy.

After that it was back to Tupelo to get ready for the West of Shake Rag improv show. What's that? You haven't heard of the award-winning, wide-travelling improv team West of Shake Rag?

(I am going to talk about them again on the blog at a later date)

It was a Star Wars themed show which was great because I got to dress like this:

And the drinks were guarded like this                                                                                                    

Emily Weathers: Costume Queen
And after the show I got some heavenly strawberry cake and some good conversation with friends.

Sunday of course was Mother's Day. So it was back to Pontotoc with me. I met up with Mom, stepdad and sister out at the barn for some work with the horses (they worked. I am useless) and Mom let me help gather eggs and I ended up getting the Mother's Day gift of good conversation with my lovely mother.
Mom's new kids
When I got back to Tupelo it was time to walk Nosy, but with a bonus mission in mind. Gathering uprooted moss. I am trying to make some moss terrariums and am not currently confident enough in my skills to keep it alive to uproot any moss myself, so mine is all "rescue moss" at present.
Kind of looks like I skinned a Grouch and am going to sell it's pelt.
I'll let you know how that all goes.

So overall, I feel inspired, creatively fulfilled and relatively productive this weekend. And even better, while at the flea market I found a guy selling old postcards from as far back as 1909. Cool in and of itself. Even cooler when I began to dig through them and found that many had been filled out. Expect more on that later. ;) 
I hope yours were all just as good. Don't forget to stop back by tomorrow for Tween Lit Tuesday and the review/recap of Sweet Valley High's "Double Love"!

Pictured: Double love

1 comment:

  1. "Kind of looks like I skinned a Grouch and am going to sell it's pelt." <--I'mma tell Kristyn's dad on you....hahaha ;)

    Oh man, old postcards which have letters on them are such a rich score. Even if they're happy, they always make my heart twang in that sad-guitar-sound kinda way.
